If you want to make money from blogging then this article is for you.
If you are a beginner to blogging or you already have one but might have not monetized a blog then keep reading this article as here we are going to share some very important tips that will help you make money from blogging but before that if you want to know how to start a blog then click here
Now before getting started, I need to mention a few points here that you need to take care before beginning your blogging career at first simply ask a question to yourself
Do I know what is Blogging?
Is blogging a career that I want to pursue for the rest of my life?
Have I done proper research to be prepared to face the challenges?
What are my Expectations with Blogging as a Career?
So I think for the beginners these questions are enough to make you understand the importance and expectations of this career.
As you already know nowadays entire world is on the internet and even in the future It will expand its reach so we could expect that blogging will never settle it will continue to grow but also at the same time the level of competition will increase people with new talent and amazing talents are joining this blogging business and many are successful to make it as their full-time source of income.
If you want to know you could study the life and experiences of the popular bloggers of India who now make money from blogging and are doing it successfully for many years now
- Harsh Agarwal, Shout me Loud
- Amit Agarwal,
- Amit Bhawani, and many others
But success to them doesn’t come overnight they kept on working for what they feel was their objective in life and finally, they achieved it and same applies to you, me and everybody who wants to make money online.
If you are a blogger or just starting your blogging journey the first and the most important thing at first that needs to be clear in mind so that there is no confusion left, Success in blogging depends on many factors
- Whether you want to express your thoughts and share with people so that your content could be seen by any person living in any part of the world?
- Are you looking for new opportunities that are not available in any other career option available?
- Are you blogging for money?
Now let’s simply understand why we are pushed towards doing private, government and other jobs after our graduation and studies -
Definitely our parents want us to have a secured life and future, if you compare job with blogging and business if you start a job today you will definitely get a paycheck or NEFT to your bank account every month to manage your expenses and bills, where on the other
hand in business either you could get advance profits otherwise you also need to suffer loss, In blogging if you do some smart and hard work you could definitely earn good money but at the same time income varies on various factors, these are some challenges in
the initial days but once it gets settled you will be ready to expand it to make it more profitable business blogging as a career option is
very flexible and you could start it anytime.
Try doing as a part-time and give some probation time to learn new things to properly understand whether blogging is for you or not.
Do it as if no one else is reading and live your passion only then you could do it stress free and see amazing results soon.
If you want to make money from blogging then this article is for you.
If you are a beginner to blogging or you already have one but might have not monetized a blog then keep reading this article as here we are going to share some very important tips that will help you make money from blogging but before that if you want to know how to start a blog then click here
For any blogger, the first and most important option to make money from blogging is through placing advertisements on your website by Google Adsense.
Google Ad sense is a web monetizing program by google with which you as a publisher of your blog could apply to monetize your website and then start earning from the ad revenues. This looks simple but due to the strict google ad sense policies many upcoming bloggers leave the platform because they are not able to get their blog approved for monetizing .
Even I was failed for initial 4 times when I tried to monetize my first blog “” this is my travel blog where google adsense is approved after 4 rejections and if I could achieve even you also.
If you want to know how to genuinely get your google Adsense account approved then keep yourself updated with us by subscribing to our blog as I will also share with you all the tips that I used personally to get my Adsense account approved.
If you want to earn a good returns from your blog then trust me this is one of the best method that has no other alternative, in blogging as a career a major part of overall revenue will turn out from affiliate marketing if you do it correctly.
Do you see a sample product here , this is an amazon product in my blog and i am an affiliate partner of amazon affiliate program, suppose i recommend you this product and like you if in a day 100 people read this article out of which say 35 people purchased this product from the affiliate link above then for that 35 sales from the affiliate link amazon will pay me a commission and this is the basics of affiliate marketing.
There is not just one but many affiliate programs available online you just need to search on google and you will find affiliate programs where you could sign up and the best part is that it is completely free you don’t need to pay anything to setup your affiliate account.
If you place ads on your website by Google Adsense then Google Adsense will act as a middle man to find advertisers and place ads on your web space and earn a share of profile from your overall revenue but if you do direct advertising on your blog then you don’t need to pay anyone and profit will be yours.
Now the question is how and when you could do direct advertising. Well for direct advertising your website need to have a good amount of traffic and your website should be based on a niche like traveling, cooking, education, and many others based on that you could create advertise page on your website for advertisers to know about your policy and rules
For example you could check our advertise page for reference -
And once an advertiser is interested he will contact you via email or phone based on your contact us page and then both parties could have an agreement.
Now the question is that Google Adsense provides you your own dashboard to check the performance of the ads, revenues and more , similarly for the potential advertiser visiting your blog you need to provide them a media kit page or simply advertise with us page along with direct buy option so that he could make direct purchase of your blog ad space.
If you are on a WordPress platform then you could use "OIO publisher WordPress Plugin" to sell ads directly, here you could manage your ad slots and advertisers will be aware of it along with the price.
If you are good at writing reviews and if your website receives decent amount of traffic then you could also earn very good from sponsored reviews, To start with you need to check some of your competitive websites based on similar niche in order to see what kind of reviews they are publishing also you could short list the name of the advertiser, for example if you are good at gadget reviews then you could mark an email to the brand or company to send you the product for reviews, once they confirm You will get paid for reviewing their product or services.
You could apply this method for any niche whether you are doing restraints review, phone review, hotel reviews etc this will depend on your blog niche.
If you launch your own products or merchandise and starts selling it on your website then actually you are turning your blog into an e-commerce business, initially even if the sale not happen then you don’t need to worry you need to just keep on doing your good work and once your blog traffic will increase then you have the potential to market your brand with your own products and your followers will purchase your products.
The advantage of selling your own products will help you earn money directly from your blog by turning your readers into customers also you are marketing your brand and expanding your reach.
If your blog is on WordPress platform then it would be very easy for you to sell your products as there are very good and free e commerce plugin like woo commerce which will help you to create your online shop and upload products and details also you could add a payment gateway like PayPal to receive payments directly from customers from debit or credit cards.
If your blog offers paid courses or services that requires recurring payments then you could let your visitors to subscribe to that paid service and set its duration like monthly, quarterly, yearly etc and provide special offers to attract your customers in that way you will get a continuous income from your blog, but again it will only depend on what type of service you are providing to your blog visitors.
Blog will not help you to make money online but if you have an offline business you could promote it on your blog and attract customers to visit your physical office to take advantage of your services, for example if run a cafe or restaurant and with the same name you are sharing recipe on your blog in that way you could offer your readers your specialties and your potential customers will visit your restaurant and you sales and services will grow with your blog.
These are just real life examples which are practical and proven methods to make money from blogging. It’s not like that everything will work for you equally chances are some might turning to be good for you and some techniques might now, In that case you need to analyse it and there is no other alternative but to keep trying and definitely you will learn a lot and be positive and if you work best with your heart and soul then you could live a Boss Less Life and make your dreams come true.
So according to me for a beginner and even advance bloggers these are some of the best methods to make money from blogging but if there is anything that you would like to add in this article then please do let us know in the comment section below your contribution would be of great help for us and other readers;
So I hope you enjoyed reading this article, Kindly keep yourself updated with us to receive more inspiring advices in the near future, last but not the least please don’t forget to share this article from the links below on social media.
So I see you next time till then take care.
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