How to survive in the corporate world: In the Present scenario where getting a job is difficult but to survive in the corporate world is even more difficult, there are many aspects due to which an employee struggles to survive in the corporate environment.
As a fresher when I joined my first organization then for me to adapt to the new corporate life was extremely challenging.
As a fresher when I joined my first organization then for me to adapt to the new corporate life was extremely challenging.
If you think you are not made for the corporate world, then it’s completely fine there are an ample amount of opportunities available in the world other than corporate jobs but If you are new in the corporate life and want to know “How to Survive in the Corporate World?” Then get ready to know the secrets to survive in the corporate world.
If you want you could watch the full video on “ How to Survive in the Corporate World?” otherwise if you want to read the text version then continue reading below;
As a student we are unaware of what to do in life in the beginning and we are unsure of what professional career should we choose to better sustain in life, due to which there are many who start their career in any career opportunity that they first receive but then after spending some time working either 6 months, 1 year and above they realize that they are not made for the corporate life and either change their jobs or start something on their own.
So if you want to know how to survive in the corporate world then it’s better to first be clear about your goals and identify what you want to achieve in life for which you are working for.
I know it’s not easy to define your goals so easily because there is an influence of family pressure, finances, responsibility, and more due to which even an employee hates his job, he has no option but to continue because they are afraid of getting out of their comfort zone, but if you really want to achieve something in life then you have to take calculated risks and really work hard to achieve your goals.
So if you are clear about the fact that doing a corporate job is your goal then you need to search for a job relevant to your interests, skills and educational qualifications.
As an Employee we might have so many issues with our manager or boss, regarding leaves, work pressure, favoritism, perception, cooperation, personality and so many other things involved, and many times there are situations when a conflict between an employee and a manager becomes so intense that it leads one to resign from a job in most cases the subordinate employee is forced to resign from the job,
So no matter how complex the situation is, I know that some managers are so frustrated with their personal life due to which it affects many employees in the organization but it’s the time when you need to understand how to deal with a difficult manager if you want to survive in a corporate world.
Every organization runs with certain policies and for them if you are working in a position where you could be easily replaced by someone else then no matter even if the fault is of your manager even then you will be the one who will be blamed and if you apologize then your position could be secured but if you go against your manager or boss then he has certain powers that he could misuse against you that could lead to your termination from the organisation like not approving your leaves and timesheets, assigning you in odd working hours, mentally harassing you in the meeting rooms and putting a pressure against you to induce a fear of losing your job and not getting a work experience.
Due to the organisational authority to managers you will be the one who has to sacrifice because you are assigned to work according to their commands and if you want to know how to survive in the corporate world then the best thing is to maintain a good relationship with your manager and work as per his/her instructions to survive in your job role.
If you want to know “ How to Survive in the Corporate World then you need to understand that whether you work in a Multinational Company ( MNC ) or a Private Company there is nowhere in the corporate world where you will not find office politics. So If you want to know “How to Survive in the Corporate World!” Then first you need to learn How to survive corporate politics.
You could observe office politics at various levels in the organizations for example between you and your colleagues, manager, senior manager, HR manager, etc. People do office politics for their own benefit and to let others down if they find someone with better capability, talent, skill or even if jealous.
Many times whenever there are promotions, bonus, work pressure, leaves, break timings and many other similar occasions the working professionals need to play politics to survive and get over the others to achieve success in the organization.
There are many who knows how to play politics and there are many who don’t know, but whether you know politics or not but at least you should learn how to survive corporate politics.
Innocent people become aggressive sometimes when they get into the trap of politics and ultimately get blamed for no reason, here you need to understand to survive in a corporate world you have to deal with the office politics and there is no other alternative.
So you should not be afraid and get ready to deal with office politics……[ Click here to read more ]
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