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What is the Importance of Education in One's Life ?

What is the Importance of Education in One's Life?

If you are a student then you might have heard from your parents or guardian always telling you to study, work hard, get good marks and various similar things like that right?

Did you ever ask this question to yourself about “What is the Importance of Education" & "Why education is important in life?"
what is the importance of education ?


Think for a minute and I am sure you already have an idea about why Education is given so much importance in our lives.

So now Let’s list out some of the basic possibilities that we might think of when it comes to the importance of education in our life ;
  • If I study and get good marks or complete my degrees I will get a good job!
  • If I study I will achieve growth in life in terms of money, status, power & position.
  • If I study I can fulfill my life dreams like buying own house, car, luxury etc
  • If I study my parents will be proud of my position and wealth.
  • If I study I will become independent in life.
and so on...

If you think this way then YES ! you could achieve all this if you study hard and gain an education.

Now you might be thinking we already know about all this then what is so special about reading this article on the importance of education in life.

Well, life gives you surprises at every stage and whatever we think and believe might not be true for all. Just imagine during your childhood did you knew anything about money, stress, anxiety, depression, success, failure, responsibility, and so many other related things.

If you think deep all these things which are making our life miserable these days were first known to us by someone else either directly or by observing someone else state, it could be from your parents, friends, relatives or anybody else.

on the other hand,
If you observe closely during our teenage we are free from any life responsibilities, we are free to think, Do whatever we want, play, dance, jump etc, and our risk-taking capabilities were at peak during this stage, we liked to live in present only and didn’t care about any past or future.

importance of education

Now you might be thinking “ Who remains a child forever ?”
Once you grow you need to be financially independent, life is not easy, you have to be responsible in life and so on..

Here we clearly understand the importance of education in student life ! because in the early stages of the life of a child, because of early education develops the very basics but most important cores of the mind, a child learns how to read and write, draw and this leads to the development of the brain for better thinking and creativity.

at this stage whatever the child learns, learns with utmost concentration as everything is new to him, he or she develops the interest to learn and apply what is taught and slowly this practice makes him better every day.

The problem is that once we grow we already know how we were during childhood and how we actually started learning but now due to the much greater expectations with education like the ones mentioned above, we ignore the fact that the importance of education in our lives - that leads to self-development.

If you really want to understand "Why education is necessary for everyone? " then while reading this article you need to forget what your society pre-programmed within your thoughts like your beliefs to truly discover the true meaning and importance of education.

With some life examples as mentioned above, we could clearly identify that we observe all this within our society and so we develop our thinking and believe in the same way!

If your parents or guardian is pushing you towards studies is because they want your life to be secured, and they use these examples to motivate you to study hard So that you don’t need to be dependent on anyone in life.

During your teenage you may or may not know what you are good at or interested in and since there is a generation gap between you and your parents, if they enroll you in an education course which is not synchronized with your interest by just expecting the dreams as mentioned above then imagine later on in life when you discover that you studied so hard, you did so much hard work but what you and your parents expected with this career option turned completely opposite for you, then even after having good education you will not be satisfied with your life.

This is one of the challenges that many students are facing in their lives these days.

Today there are many students who want to be enrolled in a course in which you may not be interested in but may be due to certain constraints like financial, they opt for other courses they are not interested in.

Today the problem with our society is that we have marked branding labels on education specializations, for example in school Science is considered as Highest valued course, Commerce is ranked Second, Humanities is categorized as Third and so on. and similarly, after schools Engineering, Medical, CA is the only best career options in our minds that one could choose otherwise Government jobs preparation.

Due to which the students who have the potential of becoming great Accountants are learning Engineering, similarly, the students who could become great writers or teachers are becoming Doctors and so on.

Why? Because
  • If you study engineering you will get a job?
  • If you study science you will earn more than commerce students and so on

Do you know why this problem is arising, because there is no career or education counseling involved in this important stage of life?

So let me ask you a question,

If you are really interested in Biology or Physiotherapy so ultimately what you will do the best irrespective of the outcome like money, name, fame etc - The answer is simple Physiotherapy and less likely to do any corporate 9 to 5 job.


If you are a student and want to explore How important is Education for you then try to understand the following points no matter what specialization or course you are enrolled in.

  • Education is not just about reading or writing, exams or degrees, The first change that it brings to your life is by transforming you into a proactive human being who can understand the concepts of life and utilize them for self-improvement. 
  • With the right education, you gain the right knowledge that helps to build your mind to think better and take correct decisions to choose your right path for the rest of your life.
  • If you are well educated and possess the right skill in your domain you will be confident in life and will be exposed to unlimited opportunities. 
  • The main difference between an animal and a human being is intellect, the power of the human brain is so powerful that if used in the right direction can change the world completely.
  • Every day we come across several events, if we are educated we will be able to figure out the best way for us. 
  • One of the best things about education is that you will now have the power to identify between what is right and what is wrong for you. - If you are well educated then you will always Choose the positive methods to grow in life, and not prefer any criminal activities that could ultimately destroy your entire life. 
  • With Education, you gain respect in society and gives you the confidence to interact with different kind of people around you and exchange knowledge, ideas and thoughts.
  • With the right education, skills, practice, exposure, and experience one could reach beyond all the barriers and restrictions of life to achieve recognition for your good work.
  • If you see people who are not educated, see their condition they are doing odd jobs or labor jobs to earn their daily bread and butter, if you pursue the path of education you are at a much comfortable state in life than they are, you can plan your future in the right direction.
  • Education server as equality amongst human beings, a person of any caste or religion maintains a respectable position in the society. 
  • If you are well educated your opinion matters, and if you have innovative thinking you have the power to change things the way they are for better.

Similarly, there are uncountable benefits of education in our life.

Here are a few things that we need to completely understand when it comes to Education and Knowledge,
  • The process of education and knowledge never ends, the more you gain knowledge the better you become with each passing day. 
  • In my opinion to categorise education specialisations in terms of benefits is not good because every human being is different in various aspects of learning, potential, abilities, talent, interest and so on, the best thing is to identify yourself in what you are really good at because is not dependent on a specific career option it’s you and your abilities on how you bring out a successful career from you what you are doing.  
  • Education is not a commodity to keep it with yourself, the more you share the more you gain. 
  • Knowledge is not age restricted you could gain it anytime from anybody whether your junior or senior but for formal education, there is a specific time frame that’s why if you waste your time today you will never get this time back to achieve what you could achieve Because this Opportunity comes once in a lifetime.
and this is the reason why your parents or guardian always tell you to work and study hard, the problem is that the importance of education as mentioned above is they clearly know by their experience of life but they sometimes are unable to express in the correct form in front of you.

Your only well-wishers in your life are your Parents, Love them!! study, educate yourself, gain knowledge and become a better human being.

If you are facing any issues related to career, life, decision making, get the best advice and feel free to contact us.

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